Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh Baby!

Before I say what I have to say please note that I love my children..and wouldn't give them up for all the money in the world...

I'm sure we have all heard this saying at one point in our lives either from yourself or somebody else 'Ohhh..I want a baby!'. I'm wondering though if some people realize that wanting a baby is not like wanting a new pair of Jimmy Choos or the Calvin Klein dress marked down at Saks. 'Oh, I just have to have those.' You see, wanting a baby comes with so much more. Yes, they are so cute and cuddly at the beginning. They smile at you with their beautiful gummy mouths, fall asleep on your chest to the sound of your heartbeat, and they could cuddle with you all day and night. But what happens when that baby becomes a toddler, a child, and then a TEENAGER!! You wonder what in the world happened to that sweet baby of yours.

Having a 7 year old and a baby, its easy for me to look at the differences. I used to sing to Ethan everyday as a baby. He would smile at me and fall asleep in my arms listening to his lullabies. I do the same for Jaxson, which he loves also. It always calms him down after a cranky fit. Though Ethan walks through the house yelling 'Please Mom, enough is enough! That is so annoying.' What?? What do you mean annoying?? These were the same tunes that once rocked you to sleep.

I don't think that there is one day that passes where I don't get a dirty look or I'm being informed that I just don't know what I'm talking about. And he is only 7! What do I have to look forward to when he is 12..or 15 for that matter!

I think for the most part people believe what they are getting themselves into but there are still the small few that dont. I mean, just turn on the news any day of the week and you will see what Im talking about. I would suggest that if you are wanting something to cuddle with at times, a small lapdog would be perfect for you. Something to show of to your friends perhaps? Then maybe try a new Coach purse. Babies are wonderful! But they also come with so much more than rosey red cheeks. They come with a lifetime of needs and wants. And it doesn't end when they are 18, it continues. Trust me..Im a 24 year old still needing things from my parents.

In closing though I would like to say that for all new mothers or soon to be mothers..the best is yet to come!!!

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